About Me

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Hello! My name is Aimée! I'm quite little, I have a few things that are important to me and I love them all: - My better half (Who shall just be known as C for the purposes of the blog) - My job - My family - My friends - My plans for the future I have random moments, never seem to have enough time, sometimes I appear to have TOO much time, I love to draw anything, I am completely illogical and often don't even make sense to myself! Welcome to my world :)

Saturday 30 May 2009

How the hell...

Did your mother get my cellphone number?

Haha. Two and a Half Men, is indeed, a programme I would recommend. Comedy Central. Channel 126. Pretty much every couple of hours.

But watch out for Re-Runs. Re-Runs kill me.

I had...the nicest day today. I spent it with Rich, and it wasnt like it was intended to be a particularly "special together" day out - it was lovely, just not like "oh we're going to go out today and spend a whole day together and DAMN WELL ENJOY IT!" - But it was just so nice and for want of a better word, coupley?
I dunno. It just felt nice.

We got up really late, ate breakfast together, then we went to Exeter :)
We went to CEX to try and exchange his phone but they gave us a shoddy excuse about the condition of it so they didnt change it.
So we went to Superdrug, got make up, then Primark and nearly threw up at the sight of the queues, and then we got ice cream ^_^
And went to Halfords...narrowly missing an encounter with my Mother as the first car in the Guildhall carpark we saw on the way out was in fact hers.
Then we went to Pets at Home and ran into Sam, and then Tescos, and bought a phone and a t-shirt :)

We had a wicked day. Now he's at work and im watching Futurama with his brother Chris ^_^

Ohh yesterday I quit my job at the pub - i cant hack it as a local barmaid - and spent a good part of the evening with some Wonky lads. It was funny. Ross + S-Club 7 is more than funny...as is watching Finn try and work out how his hands work and watching him enjoy the feeling of Bambi legs walking down the stairs trying to use the ceiling as support.

Man im hungry and i want Phish Food. Its the nicest I think. Or Cookie Dough.
Should have gone to tescos.

Mums gonna flip when she learns of my job quittage. But hey. Its not her life.

Wednesday 27 May 2009

You two relax and shake hands...

"Shake THIS!"
I love American Pie 2. It sucks watching it without my Rich though. Hed like it.
I hope the lovely Val is okay.

Im cat sitting. I got bored of my mother and I got to town, met Rupert, caught up, bought an eminem album and got on a bus and came to Newton Pop.
I love it here.
I love the cats :D
Theyre so damn funny.

I needed quiet time. My definition of quiet time is no family, loud music - in this case, a decent blast of obscenely abusive lyrics from the delightful Eminem. Turns out Jumble liked it too.
I recommend "Kim" - its sick an twisted and totally awesome if u know the words XD

I have a couple of weird things to think about - Penises. Now, I find ALL penises revolting. I cant stand looking at them, theyre just...ew. Except my boyfriend's. I like his. I dont mind it at all - although i have been instructed never to call it "cute" again.
Apparently its bad to do that?

So do guys think the same thing? Are all other penises except their own horrid? or is the other way around and they cant stand the sight of their own manhood? Or do they feel the same about vaginas?

Oh i dont know what got me onto this subject. I just thought about it today in a ridiculous conversation with my penis AND vagina possessing friend in Essex.

What about Libraries? Libraries are there to encourage people to read and open peoples minds and stuff and yet, if you bring a book back late they expect you to give them MONEY? I mean, if someone else wants to read the book, they can reserve it and read another one in the meantime? If libraries were REALLY encouraging people to read more and stuff they wouldnt charge. Which just proves how naive I am in thinking they were good people. BUT NOOOO. Just another load of twats.

Oh god, im turning into one of those people that hates everyone.

Like My grandad and my boyfriend. They hate everyone. Well. Not so much hate, just disagree and get angered by.

Into the Ocean, it has just occurred to me, is another song you ought to listen to. It describes, mostly, how I feel at this point in my life generally. Its by blue october and I love it.

Anyway, enough rambling.
I love Dawn. It has to be said.


Monday 25 May 2009

Apple bottom jeans...

Boots with the fur?
ugh. fur.

havent written in a while.
I had a savage night on Friday. After me and Rich had talks the other day, I told him I thought it would be a good idea if we had a break for a bit as me being around clearly has a negative effect on him.

SO i figured it would be cool for us to not see each other for a bit and be sensible about it - he had work evenings and could see his mates in the day and I would just sort my living arrangements and job out.

But then we were meant to see each other briefly on Friday. But we didnt. I sat around a lot that day and thought a lot about bad things.

A text from Mike was all it took to get me all riled up and wanting to go out and get plastered. So I did.
It would have been alright if Georgie hadnt rung me. Skank. There were mean texts exchanged and people egging me on, and then I rang Rich.

Big mistake. I was on the phone for an hour and a half, being abusive and horrible and basically spilled my guts about everything. How I felt, how he made me feel etc. He ended up coming to get me. It sucked big time.

We're okay now. I think...hope. If things dont get better then I dunno where we'll go. I hope if anything goes wrong we'll always be friends. Like last night he said if we ever broke up then he wouldnt want it to be over anything stupid like a little disagreement or one of us doing something stupid and everything being bitter and unfriendly.

Hope things are sorted now.

Had a wicked time with Dawn the other night though. Was awesome. Drunkenness and anal sex talks.
What can I say.
I felt obliged.


Tuesday 19 May 2009

Yeah we only want a beat...

We can drum to.

Yes thats right, I am a BAD friend.

Lol. I kid. Im a good friend.
Im just not YOUR good friend.

found a place to live.
Might have a job today.
Would be awesome.

Would be able to move in this week :)

Yay ^_^
And Dawns allowed over for sleepovers.

Bicton College here I come!

It better all come together.

I miss you dawn.

AAAnd due to a sudden DROP in my finances i cant even buy the sims 3 :(

I might die if i dont get it.

Friday 8 May 2009

Joined by the Jonas Brothers

what an episode
I love South Park

I met a guy today who actually thought that it was alright for people to sexually abuse five year olds.

Amy told him he should pray for his soul and then had to drag herself away.
Was bad.


Nelly I...

love you...
Yes. Kelly and Nelly. or Nelly and Kelly whichever floats your dinghy.

I got a call from Andy Noble. He said he wasnt my Andy. But unfortunately for him im not a moron and I know it was him. First contact in six years.
And Disappointing actually, I honestly thought he wanted to talk to me.
I know it was him.
Never mind though eh.

My left thumbnail is considerably bigger than my other one.

I met Dawn yesterday. We had awesome times. Mcdonalds is definitely the motherland for us. Golden Arches for EVERR

New plan.

Quit job, get new job, move to sidmouth, go to bicton college next september.

Im really cold

I need a hug too.

I have to go in a minute.

love to all.

Saturday 2 May 2009

Touching each other inappropriately?

this is TOTALLY awesome.
I cant wait.

and i heart will and grace.

And I would...

Hold every part of you that I could...hold.

Yesterday I started work at Home Fundraising. I was absolutely bricking it when we were sat around for ages. I practised my pitch, it sounded good, everyone said it did anyway.
Then we went to the destination.


Yes thats right, and I can honestly say I havent been to a scummier place in my life' Id rather have spent the day trawling Burnthouse lane dressed as Barney the Emo Dinosaur than knocking on peoples doors looking like a radioactive midget.
Green jackets - not so fetching.
AAANYWHO. Yesterday I encountered just about enough twatty people than I could handle, some woman that made me cry, an "unbreakable" car (honestly, has nobody SEEN Titanic?!), and a LOT of rain and a TON of rejection.
I hate Plymouth apart from the city centre, Aquarium and Cap'n Jaspers.
I got one sign up which wont even be a proper sign up because it was only £5 a month.
I needed £8 which is a bit pooey.

Never mind.
I finished work at nine, and got back to Richs mums finally at five past midnight.
Exhausted, wet and demoralised.

I like my job though.

I spent most of yesterday morning with my sexy best friend and we went to Mcdonalds and ate and it was awesome. I even threw in a comical thumbs up when stood in the queue waiting for salt and tommyketch. Thats right. Im being a freak today. Then we planned a painty day which is going to be fantastic. We just need a sunny day and lots of paint, paper and white clothes to make it even MORE so.

Rich is buying us Chinese tonight. I really cant wait :)
I wrote a list of stuff I want to spend my money on. I need basic things really. Then bigger things later (bedsit, car etc).

If i even last long in this job!
