About Me

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Hello! My name is Aimée! I'm quite little, I have a few things that are important to me and I love them all: - My better half (Who shall just be known as C for the purposes of the blog) - My job - My family - My friends - My plans for the future I have random moments, never seem to have enough time, sometimes I appear to have TOO much time, I love to draw anything, I am completely illogical and often don't even make sense to myself! Welcome to my world :)

Wednesday 12 August 2009

Aaaand coming in first...

Nate Adams takes the win at Fort Worth.

Red Bull X fighters YES PLEASE.

I love him.
Not LOVE him love him like some people might hint at.
But purely and simply, he is and always will be someone I can tell anything, and is definitely one of my best friends.

Im making decisions now from this moment on, to not let people take advantage.
I know I keep saying it, but I really am doing something about it.

04:04 am. make a wish.

There are three necklaces around my neck and they all mean something to me, and I refuse to let their meanings fizzle away and for these gifts to become completely redundant.

A new start
And things to come.

If you want to do something with your life, fucking do it - is what Im saying now. Because thats what I have done. Against all my better judgement, I disregarded the screaming voice in my head that told me to chain myself to a simple, easy, completely safe life, and went with my heart.

Now im doing what I want to do, in a few weeks Im going to college to pursue a career that interests me above anything else, Im moving out, I went and got a freakin tattoo months ago and im dying to get another (inviting PAIN) and It feels good.

I was miserable, now Im not.
I dont want a job, but hey ho, need the money and JSA will totally screw me up so Im trying. Anything will do, just train me up and Ill do it!

You want something bad enough, you bloody go for it before you end up like one of those people that sit around, doing nothing.


Totally fucked up family now, nobody around to help, and so yet again i got that to deal with. Adulterous wankers, twatty autistic brothers and emotional mothers.
Done it before, so on top of college I will do it again.

And of course meeting the family again next year.
Oh joy.
The revolting family we left behind.
Apart from Richard, and Sally is lovely and Tash is adorable, I will have to deal with seeing Robin, my brothers dad, again.
Something else to look forward to ;)

But as always - Im dealing with it.
And not going insane.

Im a fucking miracle.
And ought to be knighted.

Tuesday 11 August 2009

*Deep breath*


Had a great time the other night.
But the feelings pretty much gone now ^_^

Dunno if I can...deal with it like a grown up.
Im too selfish.
But they pretty much look the same =]
Oh well.
I guess I was being just naive yet again or just too..I dunno...
selfish is definitely the word.

Im too selfish.

Five weeks.
New people.
And I can forget about anything that has worried me.
New life
New everything I guess.
Sucks though.

I cant share.
That made me mondo unhappy
And its cos Im too childish

I disgust myself.

On the other hand, I still got him.
And the fantastic return of a friend from the darkness has cheered me up no end.
Just a shame about the other shit really.
To be expected Aimee, to be expected.

Tuesday 4 August 2009


Oh Aimee youre sooooo annoying. Wipe that STUPID grin off your face, its not THAT cute.

College = paid for so far (fingers crossed)
House = Tidy to the point its like something out of Through the Keyhole
Relationship = mmhhmmh? Nothing to tell.

Stop smiling so much.
Or at least don't smile for THAT reason.

Sunday 2 August 2009

Caught with your hand...

...in the cookie jar.

Awesome blast from the past
New thoughts
Weird thoughts
Sad times
No sleep
Neurotic Conversations
No Trust
Deep Breathing
Artists Block
Missing Chocolate