About Me

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Hello! My name is Aimée! I'm quite little, I have a few things that are important to me and I love them all: - My better half (Who shall just be known as C for the purposes of the blog) - My job - My family - My friends - My plans for the future I have random moments, never seem to have enough time, sometimes I appear to have TOO much time, I love to draw anything, I am completely illogical and often don't even make sense to myself! Welcome to my world :)

Saturday 25 April 2009

Tonight...you are...

..everything. Gotta love a bit of Alesana.

Everything is getting better. Rich and I had the nicest time the other night and all doubts were wiped from my mind about anything - yes doubts, but not caution so not to worry - and I havent been so happy in a long time.

However last night I ruined the continued euphoric mood by letting out a comment that apprently made me come across as spiteful.
I am not a spiteful person. I didnt even mean anything by what I said, I was just saying it. But then it made him think I want him to change, when Ive told him a million times I love him the way he is - minus the ideas about relationships. Well anyway, I wrecked the night, cuddles werent really on the agenda.

Ive decided I want to go to Download, and I wont go without Dawn. So getting arse in gear and getting the money to possibly pay for us both would be a good idea. If we dont go we can have our own festival cos everyone else in the WORLD will be at this one.

My Tattoo is itching like a MOTHERFUCKER and I think bits are starting to come off it. This makes me sad all day.

Im missing Dawn a lot, and Im having to illustrate...no DEMONstrate amazing WILLPOWER not to eat that fucking easter egg. Its sitting there just begging to be eaten.

Job hunting not going so well. Im not trying hard enough if Im honest but I have an incentive now. I got an email from Living coasts which made me nearly pee my panties with excitement. I also applied to PC World! For why? I not know why.

I also feel it prudent to mention that my Mother cannot possibly love me. My brother Alex returned from the depths of Somerset yesterday and the first thing he said when he came in was that he was going to tell Mother that he got an A and an A* in a school subject that he doesnt even TAKE. So she would give him money. U_U WELL. SHE believed him and NOW hes getting £45?!?!? FOR SOMETHING HE DIDNT EVEN DO?! End of Mother Daughter relationship I think. When I did MY GCSEs I got 25 quid spent on me, so I want an explanation or Im going to cut up her quilt, put mayonaise in her blusher and push her down the stairs.


1 comment:

  1. tell her he's lying. simples.
    or be tricksy and question alex, in front of your mother, about the subject that he's so aces at. watch him squirm.
    i miss you lots too. i have until tuesday off. let's hang like saddam.
    my stomach is begging to eat the egg. trust me.
    i love you xxxxxx
